
Going Green

Moose! Matt loves moose and this is a photo of one that was found in Algonquin Park which is one of the most beautiful places in the whole world, and pretty much in our backyard. So why a photo of a moose? Because we love animals and our environment. As a family and as a business, we are environmentally conscious and try to reduce our impact on the environment wherever we can.

Over the next 8 weeks, we will be participating in a program that helps us set goals to continue to lower our environmental footprint. There are four themes we'll be exploring and each theme will last two weeks. We'll be setting short and long-term goals related to these themes and our coach will help us meet those goals and check in on our progress.

Our biggest goal that exists in a sort of made up fantasy land is to build our own home, environmentally friendly of course, on Matt's parent's land in Omemee. Financially, we're a bit far off, but every day we get a little bit closer to making it happen. As inspiration we have a survey of the land from the '70's above our computer to help us visualize getting there. 

Wanna join us? Follow along and set your own goals! Hurray for being nice to the environment!


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