
Ontario Family: Short Documentary

Production Still taken by Steph for Argus
We hope you're enjoying reading about the project on the go during this off season, because here's another one! There's no trailer for this one unfortunately, but we wanted to share it with you anyway. It's a short documentary film Matt's working on called Willowdale. It's about his father, and all the crazy stories he told him over the years, and particularly, how these stories have changed with each telling, to the point where Matt's not even really sure what's true about them anymore. And also, if it even matters or not if they're true. That's kind of how family histories work, right? Who knows what's true, but it makes a good telling anyway.

So for this project, Matt actually submitted a proposal for financing to Bravo the television channel. They have a great program for funding short films, and Matt and his cousin Michael (who is producing the film and has his own comedy show in the works with Nutjobs) are hoping Bravo takes a liking to the idea and gives them some money to make it. It'll be a great project, using actors to reenact some of the stories his dad told, like the one when Matt's dad and uncle got machetes from their dad as a gift once, and proceeded to a neighbour's house where they chopped up a bunch of furniture in the guy's garage. What crazy stories. We find out in March if we received funding. Cross your fingers! Hopefully you'll be seeing that film on the TV screen in the near future!

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